Nigra Sum Sed Formosa: A Fantasia on Microaggressions

Nigra sum, sed formosa filiae Jerusalem nolite me considere quod fusca sim, quia decoloravit me sol. sicut tabernacula cedar, sicut pelles Salomonis. (I am black but beautiful, O daughters of Jerusalem, do not look down on me though I am dark, because the sun has darkened my skin. like the tents of Cedar, like the curtains of Solomon.) You are so exotic, I bet you sing spirituals very well. When you stood, I was shocked, you should play in the NFL, I’d hate to run into you at night, you should smile more. Would you open the hall for me? I thought you were the janitor. When you opened your mouth, I expected to hear “Ol’ Man River.” It’s not jungle drumming, Play it like a… Nigra sum sed formosa.

Composer Jonathan Woody, world premier concert performance April 27, 2019.


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